
University of Maringá's Arboretum - agave, palms and specially Araucaria. Araucaria is a native plant from this region and had been destroyed in the 40's and 50's deforestation. Now it's important to save different Araucarias to preserve genetic variation of them.


Agricultural Landscape -- remember: farmers' landscapes are also to be preserved :) -- Cornélio Procópio, PR

Parque do Ingá entrance and public telephones

Parque do Ingá -- city park of Maringá, PR - post 4

Parque do Ingá -- city park of Maringá, PR - post 3

Parque do Ingá -- city park of Maringá, PR - post 2

Parque do Ingá -- city park of Maringá, PR - post 1

Watch out!

Streets and their trees -- Maringá, PR

Houses, their archtecture and their gardens, trees and plants -- post 2-- at Maringá, PR

Houses, their archtecture and their gardens, trees and plants -- post I -- at Maringá, PR

Trees for urban landscape at Maringá, PR