Porto Alegre -- Farroupilha Park, Ponte de Pedra (Rock bridge) and Memorial to the Azorians
inmigration in Porto Algre, Brazil

Views out of city from Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

Parks and Square around Porto Alegre

Central Square, Traditional "guava" red taxis, and Sao Pedro Theater -- Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil

City Market at Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil

Porto Alegre historical buildings. City house, Tax department, old commercial houses, bank, and city parliament

Mario Quintana (Porto Alegre's famous poet and writer) cultural center. A tribute to his poetry and sensibility

Taking a city tour around Porto Alegre, by open bus

Porto Alegre, RS - Brasil -- Graffiti on the street

Serra do Mar is the place where is
located Mata Atlantica (Atlantic humid rainforest from NothEast to South Brazil) -- This pictures were taken around Joinville, SC and Registro, SP